
Its business scope includes general items: mechanical parts and parts sales; Mechanical equipment sales; Hardware retail; Sales of leather products.

Leather Craft Hammer for Tapping Thread: Stainless Steel Hammer

  • Product description:

    The Leather Craft Hammer for Tapping Thread is an essential tool designed specifically for leatherworking. With its stainless steel head and ergonomic handle, this hammer ensures precision, durability, and comfort, making it perfect for both professional leathercrafters and hobbyists.

Product Detail

Product Detail

Features and Design

Stainless Steel Head:

- Durability: The stainless steel head offers exceptional durability and resistance to rust and corrosion, ensuring a long-lasting tool that maintains its effectiveness over time.

- Precision Tapping: The weight and design of the head are optimized for tapping thread into leather, providing consistent and even pressure without damaging the material.

- Smooth Finish: The smooth surface of the stainless steel head ensures that it leaves no marks or dents on the leather, maintaining the quality and appearance of your work.

Ergonomic Handle:

- Comfortable Grip: The handle is designed to fit comfortably in the hand, reducing fatigue during extended use. This ergonomic design ensures better control and accuracy while tapping thread.

- Material: The handle is made from high-quality wood or synthetic materials, chosen for their strength and comfort.

- Balanced Design: The handle is perfectly balanced with the head, providing optimal control and ease of use.

Usage and Benefits

Thread Tapping: This hammer is specifically designed for tapping thread into leather, ensuring the thread lies flat and secure without damaging the leather.

Professional Finish: The precise and even pressure applied by the stainless steel head ensures a professional finish, enhancing the overall quality of your leather projects.






The Leather Craft Hammer for Tapping Thread with its stainless steel head and ergonomic handle is an indispensable tool for any leatherworker. Its design ensures precision, durability, and comfort, making it ideal for a variety of leatherworking tasks. Whether you're a professional or a hobbyist, this hammer will help you achieve high-quality results in your leather projects.

JL0461 25x6x27.7 25mm 124.8g



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